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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

natural beauty: removing hair, attractive legs, hand care at night

natural beauty : removing hair, attractive legs, hand care at night

  • Tips for natural beauty for girls
  • Removing excess hair using
  • Secrets for Attractive Legs
  • Normal hand care routine at night
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Tips for natural beauty for girls

Tips for natural beauty For girls, we hear a lot about the beauty styles that seem to be good and crazy to be real

But it is better to feel that these strange ways can do a good job.
After spending some time thinking about the most common cosmetic problems that everyone encounters. We will guide you on cosmetic methods

Simple and hope that the most frustrating cosmetic problems will be resolved in these easy ways:

1. To avoid mascara marks:
Hold a plastic spoon (with the outside hole) over the eyelid when placing the mascara where the excess amount goes

To the spoon and not to the eyelids of the eye.

2. To relieve eye bulge:
Cut a raw potato and peel into halves and place them over your eyes for 10 minutes. The potatoes will cool the eyes and fade

Any swelling in them.

3. Replacement Face Mask:
 Next time you need a face mask and you do not have time to go to the store. Use Pepto Bismol

(An antacid, a substance, often alkaline (essential) reaction, or as an alkaline salt, which adjusts the acidity of the stomach).

It has the same way as it analyzes the oil and acids in the digestive system, as well as on the face. Use it 2 tbsp and leave on

Facial for 15 - 20 minutes.

4. Disposal of cellulite:
If you start to notice the presence of cellulite everywhere. Use ground coffee as a body peeler. Where caffeine will stimulate cells

The skin is used as a means to exfoliate and get rid of the dead skin.

5. Do you need a deep moisturizer?
- Remove the mayonnaise from the refrigerator and add it to your hair for 20 minutes. For additional benefits use a hairdryer to heat it well

This will stimulate the work of Mayonnaise more.

6. Other Tips:
- If the nail polish appears to be nearing dehydration with bubbles inside it. It can mean that it is stored at a very high temperature.
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face care 
- Keep the sausages in the fridge and the cold will reduce dryness and make it soft.

- After working abroad, some people may experience redness of the face. To alleviate this antihistamine can be taken antihistamine

The degree of redness will be significantly reduced.

- Have you bought a new pair of shoes and caused you pain or pimples?

- Apply a small amount of Vaseline to those areas that are vulnerable and will reduce any friction.

- Removing the shiny nail polish is sometimes a nightmare, but if you soak a cotton ball with the deodorant and put it on your nails, then you roll the head

Each finger is tin and left for 5 minutes, the glossy coating will slide straight away and go away.

- After nail polish with nails, immerse your fingers in cool water for 3 minutes and dry your nails quickly.

Removing excess hair using

Many women resorted to removing excess hair using a pair of metal tweezers where hand tweezers are used to pluck hair from its roots. It is an ideal way to remove unwanted hair from small areas and is mainly used to form eyebrow and remove the mindless hair from the face and upper lip as the results of hair removal with tweezers may last for 3 to 8 weeks to grow hair again.

 The side effects of hair removal with tweezers on the skin are almost negligible compared to other methods of hair removal. The skin may experience a little redness, inflammation or shortening during the operation. The red bumps after hair removal is a problem that may appear after removing the hair due to swollen follicles. It usually disappears after a few hours.

Before using manual tweezers, however, consider these guidelines:

- Before using tweezers, always wash the area of   the upper lip or eyebrows or face with lukewarm water or press with a cotton cloth soaked in lukewarm water. This opens the pores of the skin and helps in removing hair easily

 - If you remove eyebrows hair, you should use the hair brush in the direction of natural growth and is readily available in the market and give you a good idea of   the extra hair you need to remove.

 - Brush hair works to identify the long hair and the use of scissors to cut the end of the long hair of the eyebrow through the use of a white pencil is drawing the shape of the eyebrow required and then start to pluck the excess hair and form your eyebrows beautifully.

 - Pulling one hair at a time in the direction of hair growth This will not cause much pain while pulling the hair against normal growth will be uncomfortable and painful

 Secrets for Attractive Legs

To the legs of members of the body that enhance the beauty of women and increase their attractiveness if they mastered the care and attention to, so beauty and attractiveness every girl wants to get attractive legs and exciting Let us with some secrets that meet your ambition to reach the result of feeling confident and flattering:

- peeling

Many girls overlook the peeling of the legs like the face and hands, but are necessary because of the accumulation of dead skin and crust on the skin of the leg and the left knee. So, twice a week, peel off the skin with a natural sugar and honey peeling, taking into account the massage of the skin in circular movements by peeling brushes. This will help remove the accumulated crusts and lighten the skin color with time and stimulate blood circulation.

- Moisturizing

It is important to ensure that the area of   the thigh and thigh with thick cream at least once a day, taking into account this step after bathing also. This will keep your legs feeling soft and silky. Also use almond oil or coconut oil to moisten the leg from time to time.

- Leg exercises

There are many exercises that should be performed regularly to strengthen the leg muscle and buttocks, which eliminates the appearance of skin slack in these areas, in addition to jumping exercises in place and the rise of stairs and walking are also effective influence in giving the leg a prominent appearance.

- Baby oil to slim the leg

Apply little baby oil to the front and behind the knee. In this way the oil will reflect the light, making your legs look slim and exquisite. You can replace the oil with a bronze powder or heliater, as these preparations will give you the same effect.

- Do not use the code to remove excess hair

Using the blade to remove excess hair from the legs does not remove the bristles from the roots, which does not make the skin feel as smooth as you want. It can also affect the skin wounds, and here is the best way to remove hair is wax or sugar, they maintain the smoothness of your skin and lighten.

- Unification of skin color

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This is done by using cream base cream or standardizing skin color by tanning creams. You can also use a colonizer to hide the varicose veins in your leg, giving your legs a surprisingly good look until they are treated with possible medical methods.

Normal hand care routine at night

The hands are one of the most important parts that reflect the beauty of women and show how much they care for themselves, and the best that makes the hands shine brilliantly distinctive and beauty is the implementation of the steps of care for them tonight, so we offer you a recipe for cream easy to prepare and use for night care of the hands, In moisturizing and softening the skin.

Here are the details:

the ingredients :

A teaspoon of natural honey

2 tbsp olive oil

Tablespoon sesame oil

Tablespoon almond oil

ملعقة tablespoon glycerin

How to prepare:

Heat the honey on low heat until it becomes liquid

Then add glycerol and other oils and stir the mixture well

Saves in a bottle

Use the cream you make so that you massage your hands in the mixture every evening, and you will notice the result after its first use.

Secrets of using lipstick skillfully and masterfully

Choosing the right color for lipstick or lip gloss is not a complicated process, but it may take a long time if you are not familiar with how to buy new lipstick.

But the task of how to put lipstick in an ideal way is something that many women do not know. Some think it is easy and need no learning.

In order to master the art of red mode, we recommend that you follow these steps:

First, rub your lips with a special brush for this purpose or with a soft toothbrush to remove the dead cells. Then put the nourishing and moisturizing cream. Then add a little cream or foundation and then the powder on your lips to unify them.

Second, tighten the borders of your lips by means of a pen, and start with the upper lip, then move to the corners, and draw the lower lip calmly and start from the middle to the corners

However, when you use the stylus, you must consider the following:

Do not paint your lips much larger than their size
Choose the selection color very close to your skin color
Do not use a dry lips filter
Thirdly ... Put the lipstick (if possible by brush) and start from the middle of the mouth up to the corners

Fourth, the best trick to make lipstick last as long as possible is to put a layer on your lips and wipe it with tissue paper then put another layer

Fifth ... Always take care after putting the color on the softness of the limbs to look normal, lips nature by the color is slightly lighter in the sides

Sixth ... Put a light layer of facial blush on your lips before putting lipstick, to ensure that lipstick does not run fast

Seventh ... If you are a taylor for the strong colors of the express, do not stretch it on your lips so as not to look abnormal and exaggerated and spoil your beauty. Put a few of them on the middle of the lower lip and then use your lips and your finger to distribute them to the rest of the lips

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