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Saturday, June 29, 2019

how can we develop our personality in ours professional life?

how can we develop our personality in ours  professional life?

  1. Self Development Activities!
  2. Then let it go, design your future
  3. Learn to focus on your strengths
  4. Join workshops, talk shows or seminars
  5. Quality relationships

Self Development Activities!

Knowing yourself sounds very simple but it is not easy to do it. When you start to recognize your character, it will be easy to identify the ways you develop yourself and talents that you have. Automatically, you will also know what activities will help develop yourself physically, mentally, financially, and include your relationships with those closest to you. Well, so you have the motivation to wake up in the morning and start the day with enthusiasm.

Indeed there are certain phases that make you confused and not too concerned with self-development. There is also a time when you have tried but still failed aka not having a positive impact on your life, even making you feel down. Don't give up to keep digging about yourself, because there are many activities that can be done to improve your quality.

Before going on to some of the info about the self-development activities that I will give in this article, there are some things that you need to answer yourself while reading, huh. First, are you the type of person who is difficult to identify self-development that suits your character? Are you the type of person who is confident or tends to shut down and doesn't like crowds? Both of these are enough for you to know the answer, but you will know which activities are right for self-development and potential help that can be honed again.

Man Standing While Holding Red Marker Pen Facing Marker Board, personality development program, personality development videos, importance of personality development, personality development wikipedia, personality development training, personality development in hindi, personality development stages, personality development classes
develop  your personal  life  

Staying up until midnight just for gaming is one of the activities you need to consider again. Starting from being addicted to playing games, you will be confined in your own world that cannot be said to be right for self-development. Try to reduce activities that are less useful and make your sleep schedule fall apart. Good self-development starts from the inside out, meaning things that are in you first that need to be improved. Health is one of them, if your body is healthy and fit, confidence and enthusiasm will also increase along with the physical condition that is ready for activities.

In addition to health, fixing the lifestyle also includes simple things like tidying up your room and work area in the office so that it is more comfortable to be used as a place of activity every day. It's simple, but if you are still lazy to manage it, chances are that you will be lazy and look for self-development activities that are a bit more complex.

 Then let it go, design your future

A little sounds poetic but the activities you need to do to be able to advance and focus on self-development are not swept away with an unpleasant past. You need to be sincere with what has happened, whether it's a good thing or a bad thing you can't survive in that one moment as long as you are still alive. After you can release your memories, then the step to look at the future is definitely lighter.

If necessary, make a patch on one side of the wall of your room that contains photos of your sweet moments that increase your enthusiasm for seeing them. Focusing on the past usually makes you lose hope, enthusiasm for life, and no longer care about your purpose in life. In fact, each person must have their own destination to fill his life. So you can also self-development by cleaning up "junk" that does not need to be stored in life so that more useful items can have a place.

Learn to focus on your strengths

What feelings do you get if you have to reflect on yourself? Are you happy, excited, or even disappointed? If you are asked to describe yourself, what makes you become a complete self?

The self-value that you have will affect the next self-development. Before starting with other activities, you must first identify the strengths and strengths you should not focus on. Being able to communicate with children for a long time and sustainably, for example, is also one of the strengths that other people do not necessarily have. You can direct your strengths to find work that will also form self-development that suits your character. If you become a kindergarten teacher it really makes you focus more on the strengths, you don't have to bother trying other professions that don't connect with your strengths. Familiarizing yourself with your focus and honing your strengths will also help you to be more grateful, which will have a major impact on your development onward.

In the past, when I was going to the thesis trial, I remembered the message from one of the lecturers to look beautiful and neat during the trial. He said that he was well dressed would make self-confidence increase when he had to deal with many people, especially when he had to present his thesis. In addition, looking neat and attractive will also bring a pleasant aura to the person you are talking to. It does not mean that you look attractive for others, but you will also be more calm and comfortable when meeting people outside your home if your appearance is attractive.

You can also do self-development by experimenting with mix match clothes and accessories that you feel are suitable. But, don't forget to adjust to the location you are going to go to, if you get the wrong costume you might be embarrassed and fail to practice the intention of developing yourself through your clothing style. Right now there are also many media that give inspiration to matching clothes, to offices, parties, or just outside meetings with clients. Take advantage of the media also for your personal development, huh!

Man and Person Wearing White Suit Jacket Holding Both of Their Hands, personality development program, personality development videos, importance of personality development, personality development wikipedia, personality development training, personality development in hindi, personality development stages, personality development classes
learns about personality development  


Join workshops, talk shows or seminars 

Already starting to improve and know the parts that must be trained, it's time you go out and look for an environment that can support your self development to a higher stage. A workshop or talk show that shares information about self-development for young people today can be found easily. The many hobby and professional communities also make more creative events presented to the general public. You only need to actively find out through social media or join the community to be able to update the schedule.

Joining seminars or workshops will also train your courage to communicate with new people. The expertise and experience of the people you meet can be also encouragement and inspiration so that you don't get bored and give up to continue to develop yourself. Joining workshops or seminars can also be your start to contribute significantly in the community or field that you like.

Quality relationships

The closest people will be an important element that also affects self-development and even your mindset. When you socialize and enter the community, you need to choose friends who will have a positive impact on self-development, which doesn't have a positive impact that you don't need to worry about. Making friends with people who also value life and appreciate themselves will make your perspective more open too. Positive thoughts will certainly bring you to a better state than if you focus on sad and negative things.

In addition to friends, support from family and people you love will definitely increase your willingness to develop yourself. Your closeness with cousins   can also be a good source of motivation, especially if achievements or achievements are related to your interests. So, it's true that someone says that family relationships are more important than pursuing the recognition of others who don't necessarily love and care about your development.

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