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Sunday, June 30, 2019

beauty tips : care face by makeup remove, Cleansing, Toning, Essence

beauty tips : care face by makeup remove, Cleansing, Toning, Essence,  

·         ·         makeup remover
·         ·         Cleansing
       ·         Toning 
       ·         Essence
       ·         Beauty tips

Careful observation of the consumer's skin care steps, the two levels of differentiation is very serious. Many skin care whites, especially some men, a facial cleanser (soap) is all skin care products, add up to a bottle of lotion or cream. A lot of senior beauty and beauty, the face does not paint more than a dozen layers will not go out. So the question is, what is the correct way to care? What skin care steps does the skin need?
The main steps in skin care include: make-up remover, cleansing, toning, essence, lotion (gel, gel), face cream, sunscreen, isolation, BB cream, make-up and more. Everyone's skin condition is different, life and work environment are very different, skin care concepts are different, and the skin care steps required will be different. In other words, there is no uniform skin care step. However, in order to maintain a stable state of the skin, various skin problems do not occur prematurely. The basic care of the skin is a must. Basic care includes three aspects: cleansing, moisturizing and sun protection. I have detailed analysis in the article "A lot of skin problems, just basic care is not done."

Makeup remover

Make-up remover is a step in skin cleansing and is the first step in skin care. Make-up remover can clean some makeup and dirt that can't be cleaned by facial cleanser, keep skin clean and avoid blackheads, acne and acne. The make-up remover comes with sunscreen and make-up. The sunscreen protects the skin, the makeup brings beauty, and the makeup remover restores the skin to its natural state. However, cosmetics merchants over-emphasize the use of makeup removers for the purpose of selling more products. Many facial cleansers can be used to cleanse makeup, and also emphasize the use of makeup remover products. Even more, no sunscreen, makeup, but also tell consumers to remove makeup every day. The skin is over-cleaned, causing the skin to be dry and sensitive, turning the wall skin into a sensitive muscle.

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face beauty 

If you don't use sunscreen or make up, there is no need to use a makeup remover. Instantly use sunscreen and make-up every day, and you don't have to remove makeup. Some facial cleansers can be cleaned, some are cleaned with facial cleanser, and once a week with a cleansing product, it can be cleaned once. Of course, for difficult-to-remove makeup, you still need to use makeup remover products. After writing your makeup, be sure to follow the moisturizing steps.

Regarding the makeup remover, I have already written many articles, and I am interested in finding out the past articles. In short, the makeup remover is not a must. If you want to remove makeup, you should judge it according to your own situation.


Cleansing has been part of everyday life and is a must for skin care. It's just that the skin is different in nature and it varies greatly when choosing a cleansing product.

For large oil skins, in the season of strong oil secretion, you can choose cleansing products with deep cleaning effect, such as soap base, SLS, SLES and other types of facial cleanser. If you are worried about over-cleaning, you can use a mild amino acid facial cleanser in the morning and clean the skin with a soap base at night. In the cold season, the secretion of oil is reduced, and the soap-based facial cleanser is too clean. It can be formulated with soap base and other mild surfactants, such as amino acid surfactant + soap base.

For mixed skin, amino acid facial cleanser with a strong cleaning ability can basically meet the demand. If you feel that the cleaning power is not enough, you can choose amino acid + soap-based facial cleanser. If the cleaning power is too strong, you can choose a cleansing weak amino acid facial cleanser.

For neutral or dry skin, mild, cleansing amino acid facial cleanser can basically meet the demand. If the skin is extremely dry, use an amino acid facial cleanser to dry. You can choose an alkyl polyglycoside (APG) cleansing product, or a non-foaming facial cleanser without a surfactant.
For sensitive, fragile or allergic skin, you can temporarily stop using cleansing products and wash your face with water only. Or wash your face with water in the morning and clean with a facial cleanser for sensitive skin at night. Washing your face with clean water is only a step-by-step measure. After the skin is stable, you should still use a cleansing product to wash your face.

I have written a lot of articles about cleansing, and I am interested to find out. The product has also been analyzed a lot, all kinds of products and price points have.


Toning, mainly lotion, toner, toner, firming lotion, revitalizing water, astringent water... Different functions, different names, are all part of the toning. About the role of toner, 甄垚 in "lotion, toner, toner... so much water, how to choose? There is a detailed analysis in this article.

This aspect of toning can lay a solid foundation for the absorption of subsequent products, as well as some skin care effects. However, consumers should be clear, subject to cost constraints, the amount of skin care ingredients added in toner is generally small, can only play a simple adjustment of the skin, it is difficult to rely on toner to improve the skin, whether it is whitening, go Wrinkles, or acne. Relatively speaking, toner can play a greater role in moisturizing and oil control. In general, toner only plays a supporting role in the skin care step.

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skin care

Although it is an auxiliary effect, this step of toning is still necessary. Toning can make subsequent products more evenly applied and help subsequent products to be more easily absorbed by the skin. As for how to choose toner, due to limited space, I will write a detailed analysis in the future.


Essence, including essence, muscle base, stock solution, ampoules and other products. The essence is to solve certain types of skin problems, add some active ingredients at high concentration, and quickly improve skin problems. The essence of the essence covers all aspects, such as moisturizing, whitening, anti-oxidation, anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, blemish, acne, oil control, anti-allergic and so on.

From the efficacy of the essence, we can see that the main role of the essence is to solve or prevent certain types of skin problems. If your skin is okay, other skin care products can already meet the skin's needs without the use of essence. If you have problems with your skin, or to prevent certain types of problems, you can use the essence.

Here, I would like to remind you that some consumers are particularly impatient after skin problems, and they are eager to return the skin to a normal state in a short time. I heard that the essence of the product is effective, whether it is suitable for your own skin, first bought it back and used it again, and often used it in excess, too hard, too hard. As a result, the speed is not reached, the skin can't bear it, causing skin irritation, or long acne.

Another common mistake: use multiple essences at a time. A variety of different ingredients, the essence of different effects on the skin at the same time, may lead to the signal received by the skin is confused, the skin is at a loss, the corresponding skin care effect. Therefore, I suggest that for efficacy essences, try to use only one at a time, no more than two at most, and excessive skin care products may be counterproductive. It is important to streamline skin care.

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Make apple pulp. Put this paste on the face for 10-15 minutes. This will make your skin soft and taut. Keeping the pulp of the ripe apples on the eyes gives rest to the eyes and dark circles around the eyes also decreases.

- Banana provides nutritional and moisturizer to the skin. Rinse ripe banana and keep it covered for 15 minutes on face and neck and wiped with tissue paper and washed with water. If you want, you can mix a little honey in it. If you massage the mixture with your face then the face shines.
In the banana pulp, wrinkles are reduced by putting a little olive oil on your face. Mix ripe banana pulp and coconut oil and mix it on a hand for a while. There will be no wrinkles on hand.

- Take the juice of cauliflower. Mix one teaspoon of honey and apply it on the face and neck. After 15 minutes, clean the face with a wet face. This mask plays a very important role in removing the stain on the face

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