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Monday, July 1, 2019

what is Nutrition? how how it helps in our healthy lifestyle?

what is Nutrition? how how it helps in our healthy lifestyle? 

1. Hormone Leptin
2. Hormone estrogen
3.Why develop obesity?
4.To activate the body to produce estrogen
5. Hormone Insulin
6. Thyroid hormones

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what is nutrition? 

*Nutrition Compatibility 

Due to the misuse of various incompatible products, it takes much time for food to get rid of digestion and toxic substances. The body is adorned, the nutrients are not partially absorbed. To avoid this, it is necessary to consume food products that are compatible with each other. To do this, it is enough to study Herbert Shelton's table, it is good to eat with what it is written in it.

Green squares suggest food products that are suitable for digestion with digestion, red is acceptable, yellow is the food you do not eat together, and white foods which are not consistent. It is very difficult to digest any meat and fish dish in our body. It is better to use such food with non-starchy, green vegetables.

Keep in mind that the time interval between eating defective food should not be less than two hours.

Why do some people feel heavy after eating? This is the result of a mix of unused dishes. For example, by eating protein and carbohydrates, you may experience unpleasant emotions in the stomach. This is due to the fact that some products for processing require an acidic environment, and for others - alkaline. As a result, the environment is neutral. It causes fracture in the abdominal cave, rotting food, causing discomfort.

It seems that a healthy diet - it is difficult to prepare and taste good. However, if you are in your hands and try to make a proper nutritional menu for at least one day, you will be surprised at how easy and varied your diet can be.

Two proteins and full eggs from fried eggs, a whole grain bread piece with beans, coffee with cream and sugar, with champagon.

Hormonal does not affect weight. Which hormones affect weight
About 100 years ago, mankind did not know anything about hormones, which means they completely disregard their effect on human health.

In our time, everything has dramatically changed. Today, every doctor and a simple man on the street also know that hormones play an important role in the body's vital activity. By the proper development of these biologically active substances, the weight loss or weight gain process depends on metabolic rate and the formation of fat and the formation of appetite, and of course. But how do hormones affect our weight? To understand this question you are responsible for certain hormones and need to know how it affects weight change. We will tell about it in this article.

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1. Hormone Leptin

The leptin is responsible for the weight of the person, because the Greek name "Leptos" is one of the main hormones without reason, like "slim". Leptin is responsible for our hunger for the body, and therefore, for the feeling of devotion. He gets a signal about the current deficit in body controlled fat stores and as soon as their level falls, and decreases leptin levels. That is why we feel hungry for a certain period of time.

Why is the level of leptin lower? According to scientists, the decrease in the levels of these hormones lacks the long-term sleep. Planned studies confirm the fact that people who sleep less than 6-7 hours regularly suffer from excess weight. Thus, to reduce the level of hormone in general, doctors recommend sleeping at least 8 hours and follow the rule of rest.

Interestingly, there are many products that contribute to the production of leptin in the body, which can help reduce weight. These mainly include low-fat products - low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese, low-fat lamb and a little idea, vegetables, fruits, cereal grains and pulses. Practice shows that eating out regularly eating foods that increase this hormone level and, if you can not lose weight, even count calories!

In this way, by knowing the method that causes appetite, many people can make a solid conclusion - just obesity problem is we have increased the hormone leptin levels no longer worried. But not everything is easy. Studies show that people overweight have lepratins in excess of thinner than thin ones. And this fact does not help them lose weight! According to doctors, this is because fat people have for years, they lose their sensitivity in this hormone, and it starts to grow in large amounts. As soon as the person's weight gets normal, the level of leptin has become normal.

2. Hormone estrogen

Estrogen is the main "woman" hormone, and hence the effect on many functions in the female body, since the end of menstruation regulation and the distribution of impartial sex body fat. It is localized in estrogen fats young women hips, "due" and women after menopause - in the stomach.

According to scientists, weight gain is associated with the shortage of this biological substance. And, interestingly, over the years, estrogen levels in the female body will necessarily decrease. This process begins about 35 years and is significantly enhanced during menopause, while there is a hormonal and fair sex rebound that has begun to experience the number of unpleasant symptoms associated with low estrogen production.

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nutrition in natural food

3.Why develop obesity? 

The fact that when leaving estrogen levels, body fat cells, which are trying to stock on them for the future, begin to get this hormone. In addition, with the approach of women menopause it reduces the "male" hormone testosterone production, and thus decreases muscle mass. And since muscle fat is responsible for the burning process, small muscles in the body, the more difficult it is to get rid of the accumulation of female fat. This shows rapid weight gain in women over the 40-year-old landmark.

4.To activate the body to produce estrogen

 the body first contains soybean and beewat, bean and lentils, beats, corn, barley and oats. In addition, some products include hormone estrogen's vegetable analog, which means it is necessary to use carrots and peppers, beats and tomatoes, apples, pomegranate and fruits more often to maintain the body's level. And severe reduction in this biologically active substance can be against a long strain, and therefore it is important to protect yourself from worries and experiences, which can reduce your efforts to increase estrogen levels.

5. Hormone Insulin

It is known that insulin is a pancreatic-produced hormone and it is responsible for normalizing blood sugar levels. In response to food entering the body, the pancreas immediately inserts the amount of insulin, which uses glucose to change its further disruption and energy. However, if we absorb very much starch and sugar, then the gland is forced to produce a higher amount of hormone. As a result, glucose penetration in cells is slowed, and sugar is converted into fat, which is deposited on hips and peritoneum.

Therefore, for not to burden the pancreas and to not stimulate the formation of adipose tissue, we need to think again on our diet and from it, it is made from pure sugar to remove food. These are all kinds of pastries and other sweets, white bread, muffins, sweet-carbonated drinks, and bought ones.

At the same time, we can improve the work of the pancreas by filling the reserve of vanadium, chromium and niacin (vitamin B3) in the body. Regular filling of vanadium stocks should be added regularly to seafood, as well as mushrooms, perseasis and spinach, grains and dairy products. Beef liver, pearl barley, beet and sea fish, especially mackerel, capene, tuna, salmon and florer are known for high content of chromium. To maintain the normal level of niacin, use chicken eggs, mushrooms and peas, seeds and barley regularly. After all, for normal insulin production, you can take supplements containing vitamins and minerals listed.

6. Thyroid hormones

Thyroid hormones include thyroid hormones: thyroxine (T4) and trichodthronine (T3). They are responsible for many processes in the body, including weight regulation. And if thyroid function is blocked, then the hormonal production decreases in this question, and as a result, in the body weight group. At the same time, the production of these hormones has increased, however, it leads to acute weight loss, along with many pathologies (heart problems, glazing of the eye, hands trembling), which will reject slimming to call this condition .

Thus, it becomes clear that thyroid gland hormones are hard to generally arise. To achieve this, your diet should include iodine regularly, which we get from eating iodized salt and vitamin-mineral complex. In addition to this, iodine is found in some diets, including sea cabbage and fujjoa, shrimp and squid, pink salmon, code and Haddock. Especially iodine is used with selenium, which is rich in rice, eggs and corn.

Moreover, those who reduce thyroid function should use soy products and peanuts. And more. Thyroid work negatively affects stress, and so if you want to lose weight, you should look for ways to avoid stress and to get rid of its consequences.

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