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Monday, July 1, 2019

What to do to eat less for our healthy life?

What to do to eat less for our healthy life?

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less eat
Good sleep. Reducing the amount of sleep increases the production of the hormone ghrelin, which increases the appetite, which in turn increases appetite and increases cravings for sweets, fat and other "harmful things".

Breakfast at night. Firstly, eating less breakfast is less stressful for the person - hence, the temptation to "jam". Second, it improves the functioning of the memory and brain, facilitates intellectual work, and increases work efficiency by 30%. Third, proper breakfast can reduce the amount of food you eat during the day. In the morning, experts advise less if there is no appetite ... Eat at night. A perfect breakfast should include whole grains, dairy products and fruit juice.

Drinking water. 

A glass of water - "zhor" an hour before or after meals - a proven tool. It is best to use water without gas at room temperature.

Move more. Physical intellectual work alternate, a hunger control. Not in the elevator, or better yet - go down for the chocolate bar on the bottom, or - go to the nearest store. Perhaps, on the way, the desire to eat sweets will diminish.

There are many flavors that reduce the feeling of "right" odors. These include anise, orange, ginger, cinnamon, lemon and mint. It reduces the aroma of chocolate ... the vanilla smell - it causes an increase in serotonin levels and stops the body from "demanding" it for the same purpose.

Listen to the music.

 During hard work can cause pressure to knocking phone calls and keys, American scientists have discovered. And stress, of course, increases appetite. If possible, try to work on headphones to music - good music. Psychologists believe that it helps to prevent stress and attention.

We all know the simplest way to lose weight. Yeah, yeah, I'm going to eat less. Oh, if security is in store at checkout security takes high calorie foods, but does not, no one cares! Everyone smiles sweetly. Everything except my standards. Honestly to the village. Once again, when I saw the number 60, I decided that I could not live in this way, it's time to work.

There are many ways to cure hunger. One time I tried the main ones. Not all help. But get everything in order.

About porridge and flower

I started off with the idea of ​​buying a popular tea that has a feeling of hunger and a kilo of oatmeal, thanks to reports of the internet, natural fibers soluble with beta glucan. And without butter and sugar, you can’t eat much - it should work.

I removed the waffles and the cookies, so looking at them, the ghrelin doesn’t produce the appetite hormone and makes the flower tea. I drink two cups. I tried to feel back after that. In addition to the raw earth feel, nothing felt. But the waffle no longer wanted it. Went to bed.

Not here! Seagull promotes more coffee! Fell asleep at two o'clock. In the morning I woke up hungry and angry. Pretending that Libra does not exist.

Oatmeal cooked with dried fruit. Large bowl. Three spoons could conquer. She got jam, didn't get any better. Oatmeal is a taste of everything spoiled. I drank coffee and worked without anything.

Pro lemon water and green tea

A colleague brought cookies with almond chips and jam. And she said how loud it was baked. I brought it to the black list, poured cold water, and moved from the path of harm to the next section. She drank a glass, wanting to creep cookies, hoping to trick the stomach with a feeling of fullness. I drank more. To enhance the effect, added a slice of lemon, which, thanks to the pectin, was supposed to drown out my desires. Clearly, she is very attached. Because the feeling of hunger added to the heartbeat.

Burn the heart from scandals, and the anacids have been saved from work. For lunch, I make sugar-free oatmeal and green tea with antioxidants to speed up the metabolism. The stomach is already proud of this.

About vegetables and fiber

At dinner, make a vegetable salad. A lot of fiber, some calories: what you want, as nutritionists dictate. The salad is delicious, but not something. That's what I guess, but strongly rejected the idea of ​​a French bun and meatloaf from the refrigerator. Brew tea tea-erh. I looked at him. The raw earth flavor seemed to be in itself. Got sick at all to eat and drink. The effect is impressive.

Came to sleep early. In bright costumes dreamed of Chinese and Tibetan monks. They traded in tea and switched to oriental sweets.
Red Apple Fruits,lose weight, lose weight fast, lose weight programs, lose weight tips, healthy tips

Wake up hungry. 

But the standards are proud. I decided not to give up.

About essential oils and photos for inspiration

She worked on foot and bought several essential oils in the pharmacy to reduce her appetite. Perhaps the oils will have the desired effect over time, but the management has caught me in the process of snuffing. Twice. A water bottle and tender look were observed on the table. The chief inquired with a call and passion on the carpet. Forcibly sent for lunch. The cruel man.

It has decided to use visual irritation along with diet and aromatherapy to reduce hunger. Put it on a desktop screen saver with a woman full of vulgarity. For the first two days her form was terrifying and saved me from a hearty meal and dinner. By the end of the third day, she didn't look so good to me, and she looked beautiful for the weekend. If a person uses everything, it is a fact.

About the main thing

The incident came with a friend when I refused three times to go to a cafe and my favorite tiramisu. The first thought is that I don't want to see him. Secondly something is wrong with me. As a rehab, I was taken to Moscow for sketches. Everything was painted there: two artists and not all. It was an amazing feeling I hadn't experienced since my sister gave me a synthesizer, and I spent all night sitting on the headphones, remembering everything I read as a child. That trip seemed to wake me up. I never tortured myself with hunger, only food became scarce. Along with her, I hadn’t noticed for a long time, or had been sweating indefinitely. In the evening walk and dance classes, colors and brushes, the days that I go with my sister to the pool have become important. I got the electronic piano again and not just for the night. I still love to eat, but it no longer depresses me.

When I ask a friend, am I losing weight? "Yeah, I don't care," he replied very firmly, "so long as you smile."

Julia Kolycheva

Most women are overweight. Someone decides to take advantage of special preparations, while some sit on a sturdy diet. For the most part, however, the question arose quite specifically: how to eat less to lose weight? If you start eating less food, the volume will also gradually decline. In most cases, because of weight gain, overeating, unhealthy diet, women may be headed in the right direction. You need to eat less - and you lose weight. But how to do it when there are so many temptations around? Multi-colored cakes and pies shop windows sell garnish, delicious sausages, meat… and if you are also a serious lover, the task becomes more complicated. But of course, there is a way. Remember a few simple tips, develop your own plan for losing weight and start implementing it. You will be surprised when kilograms slowly disappear, your figure becomes more elegant and feminine, the lighter your body looks and the better your mood.

Lose weight.

 What not to do, how to start losing weight
Grey Measuring Device on Brown Sandwich,lose weight, lose weight fast, lose weight programs, lose weight tips, healthy tips
junk food
There are many important things to consider immediately. Sometimes women, trying to lose weight faster, reduce the volumes as much as possible, go too far. As a result, you may fall into a hospital bed, become ill or become the owner of a chronic illness. It is important to act rationally and foresee everything. After all, you don't want to lose weight at any cost, right? You must be beautiful, healthy and soft, and not sick, exhausted and weakened. Remember some skills.
Love yourself and your body. When your reflection in the mirror is not very happy, you should not lose love and respect for yourself. This body is yours. You will not have another. Your task is to become a diligent architect of your figure. You don't fight overweight with your body, but only adjust the volume. Try to “negotiate” with your body, and not declare war on him. Tune in positively, and find out exactly how much you need to help make your figure thinner and more attractive to your body.

Don't starve.

 After deciding to eat less, in any case, do not go on an appetite diet. You’ve likely heard and read dozens of stories about the amazing transformations of fat women into elegant nymphs with model parameters, but there’s no story sequel. Even if your familiar women are starving their kilograms properly, don't take an example from them. There are a number of reasons for this, the main ones being called.
Fasting affects every organism in different ways. One person can squeeze it and the other will not return to normal.
Severe restrictions on diet can adversely affect your health even after a few years.
Fasting can lead to many diseases in different areas, beginning with the gastrointestinal tract and ending with oncology.
If you are still not convinced by these claims, just look at the pictures of girls with anorexia. Why are you ruining it? There are more efficient and reasonable ways. Forget about fasting.
Note the measurement. If you realize that you are really overeating, then you need to limit the food. But make sure to follow the measurement. Look at your situation. You should not feel bad, you should avoid situations that have already started to weaken you from malnutrition.
Specialist help. Consult a nutritionist. In addition, a general therapist may help you greatly. Complete the full test. Get to know the weak points of your body. Probably not, you cannot refuse from certain foods, and in general some dishes should be excluded from the diet. It is also clear that you have a chronic illness that needs to be adjusted to your diet and diet. Think of it all.
There is no hurry. It is impossible to put too much pressure on your body. Don't chase immediate results. If the pounds go quickly, they return immediately. In this case, the skin is already noticeably worse, wrinkles appear. Do everything regularly.
Be objective. Objectively assess your parameters and try to imagine how much weight you are losing. If you're a classic "donut", you don't need to lose weight dramatically. You lose your face, distort the proportions of the body. It's best to just lose a little weight, try to make the figure a bit more feminine and, of course, keep yourself "within limits" so that volumes don't grow. Set a real goal - then it will be easier to achieve.
Knowing what to get out of, makes you feel safe. When you decide that your body needs a gentle attitude, you need to protect the body, you can lose weight and eat less without harming your health. Then you can start building and executing your plans. Lose weight slowly but surely!
Eat less, effectively lose weight. Some secrets
There are many secrets to help you eat less and lose weight effectively. Effectively not too soon. Everything is natural, harmonious, gradual. That's why the lost kilograms will not come back to you.

Without fasting.

 The first advice again can not die of hunger. If you try to repel a breakfast or meal right away, the next meal will have more time to bind you away from eating more. In addition, your body decides to prepare for the next fasting: Fat cells begin to "reserve" the deposit. You get the opposite effect. Also, when fasting, gastric juice is more active release, which adversely affects metabolism. If it is broken, it will make it harder to reset the volume. Here, no food can cope.
Reduce parts gradually. If necessary, make a plan. Well, if you keep a diary, it reflects all the skills and achievements out there. Let your parts gradually become smaller. So it's easy to get used to eating less.
Stock up on fun and vivid detailed recipes. Choose beautiful bowls, small plates. There is no need to keep food in larger containers. If possible, lay out food slides and take a teaspoon. Therefore, over time you get used to eating less, but you can see your piece completely.
Eat slowly. Do not rush while you eat. Eat longer, smell full of food, enjoy the taste and hold all its shades.

Drink more liquids. 

Some food can be replaced with liquid. Drink juices, fruit drinks, mineral water and tea.
Note the mode. Leave snacks to eat less and lose weight. You need to think ahead of your diet. If you decide to do simple portions, only reduced, you can eat three times a day. In the case you want to eat often, for example, 4-5 times a day, the parts should be smaller. But you will eat it in a short period of time - it's easy to lower the consumed food.
Fruits. Instead of sandwich, eat a delicious cake or candy, an apple. Put a basket of bright fruit in a prominent position. They are useful, and bring a little bit of calories.
Avoid seasoning. You can spice and taste a variety of spices. They definitely stimulate the secretion of gastric juice - your appetite becomes more. So less is hard to eat.
Exotics. Try experimenting with dishes, there are small portions, but something more delicious, exotic. It will distract you from the desire to eat more. Must be only a bit of unusual food.
When I eat… when I eat, focus completely on the process. Don't be distracted by calls, computer or TV. So you will feel faster and uninterrupted.
Give yourself more attention, take care of your health. Love yourself and your body, do not fight extra weight. If you adjust your volume, learn to eat less to lose weight. Differentiate from the desire to sit still: enjoy the flavors, try unusual dishes. Remember about physical training: walk, run, do exercises. Instead of replacing one "breakfast", a banana or an apple, and one of the usual evening "late treats" with reading, new hobbies, or socialized loved ones. Eat less and lose weight!

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