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Monday, July 1, 2019

Health tips daily use in our life પ્રો

Health tips daily use in our life

  • 30 health tips daily use in our life
  • health tips for body in English
  • health tips which follow  every day,

Health tips :   In this article giving a health tips daily use in our life, health tips for body in Englishhealth tips for men ,woman, health tips which follow  every day
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health tips for month


Eating more vegetables, doing sports - we should do some things for our health. After all, we only have one body! And he should participate for as long as possible in everything we plan to do, right?

The Center for Health has put together 30 tips to help us live a bit healthier in everyday life. Whether a massage day, a Pilates day, no matter, all ideas help to live a bit healthier and more aware.

Make a health tip every day. On the first day the first tip, on the second day the first tip AND additionally the second tip. On the third day, the first, the second and also the third health tip and so on. After a month your daily routine looks quite different than today. And you have become a different person: healthier, more attractive

Print the following list and hang it on your fridge, on your whiteboard or on your bedside table. Every day, you take a new tip and put it into action. In this way, you dedicate yourself a little bit more to your health every day. Soon, the 30 tips - or at least a few of them - will turn into flesh and blood.

Here 30 health tips for a month you chose any of one as you wish


30 health tips daily use in our life

1. The water day
2. The raw appetizer day
3. The sports day
4. The sun day
5. The Pilates day
6. The smoothie day
7. The houseplant day
8. Vitamin D day
9. The quinoa day
10. The fat day
11. The antioxidant day
12. The detox day
13. The teeth day
14. The eye day
15. The liver day
16. The washboard day
17. The Bloss-no-parking-in-the-near-day
18. The water filter day
19. The yoga day
20. The bathing day
21. The massage day
22. The sprout-day
23. The garden day
24. The trampoline day
25. The sleep day
26. The farmers market day
27. The farewell day
28. The drug cabinet tag
29. The anti-TV day
30. The distance learning day
Red and Black Stethoscope,health tips for men, health tips English, health tips in English, health tips daily, Health tips body, health tips about water, Health tips everyday,
live the life 

health tips for body in English

(Tips that recommend certain foods (such as the 9th Quinoa Day) do not necessarily have to be implemented every day, but maybe every three to five days.)

1. The water day
Replace soft drinks and other drinks with herbal tea or fine filtered water.

2. The raw appetizer day
Before every meal, eat a raw fruit, some raw vegetables (kohlrabi, cucumber, etc.) or a crispy leaf salad as an appetizer.

3. The sports day
Extend your daily exercise program by 5 minutes. You do not have a sports program? Start with 5 minutes a day! Take your home trainer or a cross trainer. Soon you will not be satisfied with 5 minutes, wait for it.

4. The sun day

read yourself to more sunshine! When the sun is shining, take a sunbath. It should take between 10 and 30 minutes, depending on the season and the time of day.

5. The Pilates day
Do you know Pilates? Look around in your residential area, if you can prove there a beginner course. It is probably the best exercise system for more flexibility, perfect posture, more muscle strength and better conditioning.

6. The smoothie day
Drink one green smoothie per day.

7. The houseplant day
Buy more houseplants: they purify the air at your home. But make sure that you buy plants that also suit your home. Put the aloe vera in the south window and get shade plants if your house is less light.

8. Vitamin D day
Since you have been sunbathing regularly since day 4, your vitamin D level has certainly risen because the organism can produce vitamin D on its own under the influence of sunlight. If you can not go out into the sun on a regular basis, you should take vitamin D as a dietary supplement, at least in winter, ideally combined with vitamin K2 and calcium.
Vitamin D facilitates the absorption of calcium from the intestine and vitamin K2 ensures that the calcium is incorporated into the bones and not into the blood vessel walls.

health tips which follow  every day

9. The quinoa day
Eat more quinoa. Quinoa is a so-called pseudo-cereal. It is rich in extremely high quality and complete protein and also provides a lot of iron, magnesium and calcium. Quinoa can wonderfully replace pasta or rice.

10. The fat day
Inspect your fat reserves today and upgrade to healthy fats. Always replace frying fat with high quality organic coconut oil or a bio frying oil. Replace cheap salad oils with virgin olive oil and treat yourself every now and then to a special feature such as: For example, high-quality organic linseed oil or hemp oil, from which you take small amounts daily to enrich your raw food.

11. The antioxidant day
Take a look at this article: Antioxidants for Your Health. After reading it, decide whether you are taking enough antioxidants and, if in doubt, choose a high-quality dietary supplement such as: B. Astaxanthin - The Super Antioxidant.

Also OPC from the grape seeds or the Aronia berry provide you with extremely rich and effective antioxidants.

12. The detox day

They know that the root of health is hidden in the gut. In the case of complaints of any kind, intestinal rehabilitation is therefore one of the first and most important steps. A cleansing colon cleansing can be easily and easily integrated into everyday life today. Use the strong detoxifying effect of bentonite and psyllium husk powder and build up your intestinal flora. Consider today when you want to tackle a colon cleanse and learn about its benefits for your health:

Assorted Doctors Tools, health tips for men, health tips English, health tips in English, health tips daily, Health tips body, health tips about water, Health tips everyday,
healthy tips in English

How does a colon cleanse work?

13. The teeth day
Today, think about what you could do for your teeth and your gum health. Interesting measures with sometimes overwhelmingly positive effects are, for example, oil pulling and mouthwashes with xylitol.

14. The eye day

Do you let your eyes go? Or do you already wear glasses? Then you could consider today which effective naturopathic measures would delight your eyes. As of today, for example, drink half a liter of carrot juice daily, preferably freshly squeezed.

15. The liver day
For the liver, bitter substances are an elixir of life. From now on, incorporate more bitter substances daily into your diet, eg B. in the form of bitter salads (endive, chicory, etc.) or as a dietary supplement (herb bitters (eg bitter star), dandelion root extract, dandelion powder, bittrio herbal elixir alcohol-free, etc.)

You can also take combined preparations made of special liver protection herbs from today in order to help your liver to help with the daily detoxification work.

For example, the following five herbs are ideal for liver protection: dandelion root, milk thistle seed, burdock root, artichoke and kelp.

16. The washboard day
After your 5-minute exercise program, do a few beetle passes to speed up the development of your washboard abdomen. You do not know the beetle exercise? It is one of the most effective exercises for the abdominal muscles.

Beetle Exercise is the name of this exercise because you will look like a beetle lying on its back and rowing its legs!

So you lie down on your back, your legs are bent, your feet are on the floor. Then lift your legs so that they form two right angles. One between trunk and thigh and the other between thigh and lower leg.

Now take turns taking your upper body to the right or left knee. While doing so, face each other's knees and extend the other leg almost straight forward without, of course, laying it on the floor.

The arms also move alternately forward, so the right arm moves along the left leg as the upper body moves toward the left knee and vice versa.

The exercise is performed very leisurely and under tension. Do not forget the breathing :-)

Do about 20 reps, pause, and then do another two sets of 20 reps each.

health tips which follow  every day,

17. The Bloss-no-parking-in-the-near-day
Instead of looking for a parking space in the immediate vicinity of the supermarket, you deliberately park further away. So you get a little more exercise and a bit more sunshine at the same time. When it rains, nothing changes at this tip. Remember how positively rain affects your hair health.

18. The water filter day
If you have been drinking tap water, buy a good water filter today. Ideally, choose a water filter that will naturally turn your tap water into a water that is close to the quality of a refreshing and pure spring water. The water should, of course, first of all be freed of pollutants, toxins, nitrate, chlorine, lime etc. Subsequently, it should be slightly mineralized and weakly basic.

19. The yoga day
They already do a daily 5-minute sports program and a few beetle passes. They park in complete seclusion and also go regularly to Pilates training. Now you need a sport of the gentle kind to compensate. With yoga, for example, you can reduce your stress and improve your physical stamina.

20. The bathing day
Take a relaxing hot bath today with a basic bath salt. You can also soothing herbs such. Add lavender or encouraging herbs such as rosemary to the water. It will do wonders for your mind and muscles. If you do not have time for a basic full bath, it may also be a basic foot bath.

Bowl of Vegetable Salad and Fruits,health tips for men, health tips English, health tips in English, health tips daily, Health tips body, health tips about water, Health tips everyday,
food for health

21. The massage day

Get a professional massage today! Best now at least once a week. A massage therapy is a wonderful way to reward yourself for one or the other achievement and it is also extremely healthy. Massages are not exactly cheap. Why do not you attend a massage course with your partner? Then you can soon massage each other and above all knowledgeable.

22. The sprout-day
Build your own sprouts! You can grow your own sprouts and - depending on the variety - eat after just one or two days with a simple, inexpensive sprouting device or some germination glasses. If you eat only about 30 grams of sprouts a day, then that alone has a great influence in the prevention of cancer and the strengthening of the immune system. Sprouts or seedlings are also available for purchase, of course, fresh on the refrigerated shelves of your organic supermarket. For stockpiling, but they are also in gently dried form, z. B. Brown millet seedlings, buckwheat seedlings, etc.

23. The garden day
If you have a garden, go to your garden today and look around. What is growing here? Weed? Very well. Which weed? Yaw, dandelion, chickweed, plantain, yarrow? Great. You will harvest this weed in the future. You cut it into your salad or turn it into green smoothies. If weeds do not grow in your garden, plant them.

It is even easier to dig up a piece of grass and leave it lying fallow. There will be delicious and healthy wild plants settle there, such as. B. goose thistle and reporting.

You do not have a garden? No problem. In this case, plant your window boxes with edible wild plants.

Also read: How to create a BIO garden

24. The trampoline day

Grab a mini trampoline today and swing it in your living room. In this way, you can actively use the time you are watching the news or your favorite show.

25. The sleep day
Check your sleep habits today and make sure to sleep at least 7 hours each night. Most people have a lack of sleep, and the health consequences are enormous.

Stay always in sync. This means that if you get up at 6.30 am on weekdays, then do it on the weekend as well. You do not believe how much more creative and healthy your weekend will be.

You will then be careful to go to bed early on the weekend, you will automatically waste less time watching television, you will drink less alcohol and the best:

You will be able to spend Sunday mornings in bed with an active and creative activity and feel far better and more constructive than with the usual crippling hangover.

26. The farmers market day

Grab a mini trampoline today and swing it in your living room. In this way, you can actively use the time you are watching the news or your favorite show.

25. The sleep day
Check your sleep habits today and make sure to sleep at least 7 hours each night. Most people have a lack of sleep, and the health consequences are enormous.

Stay always in sync. This means that if you get up at 6.30 am on weekdays, then do it on the weekend as well. You do not believe how much more creative and healthy your weekend will be.

You will then be careful to go to bed early on the weekend, you will automatically waste less time watching television, you will drink less alcohol and the best:

You will be able to spend Sunday mornings in bed with an active and creative activity and feel far better and more constructive than with the usual crippling hangover.

26. The farmers market day
Look out for an organic farmer in your area today, where you can harvest fresh, healthy food in the future and buy healthy food of the highest quality.

27. The farewell day
You have a job that you do not like? Leave her! Shut down your lifestyle so you can get by with less money and then pursue what you really want to do. Being happy in a small house is better than feeling unhappy in a big house.

Of course, you do not leave your job immediately. Instead, you make two plans today:

Plan A: Write down what needs to happen to make you feel more comfortable at your current job and how this can be done. Talk to colleagues and supervisors about it.

Plan B: Write down what alternatives there would be if you left your job. Plan exactly how you would make ends meet and what steps you would take to get your dream job. Remember: the brave ones have the future!

28. The drug cabinet tag
Inspect your drug cabinet today and write down what medications you take and how often. Think about which medications are unnecessary. If you think your medications are indispensable, then look for natural and holistic measures that can improve your health so that you can slowly or safely withdraw or withdraw your medications.

29. The anti-TV day
Turn off your TV! And above all, never turn it back on just because you're bored.

You are welcome to watch a program that you are really interested in and looking forward to. Turn television into something special and rare. Do not let it become commonplace.
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you not need this

Television is an absolute waste of time, more precisely a lifetime waste.

30. The distance learning day

Some of the day of your life will past by a walking. Just walk for a 15 minute a day and if you walk at morning so it is very useful for you. You fills energy of this morning walk. But if it is not possible then as it your time you are walk.

It is health tips for month you chose a day and starts doing that all day I hope your health is grown up.

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