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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Ayurveda: how to make Ayurveda medicine at home II?

Ayurveda: how to make Ayurveda medicine at home II?   

  • atissar
  • Pineapple
  • Anandra
  • Abhayadhi Quath
  • Habitual
  • Amritprabha
  • Urad


Urad is very nutritious. This is the best type of protein, which enhances the muscles of the body. Urad digestion, secretion-free, greasy-greasy, sweet after digestion, mouth-watering, airborne, nutritious, fertile, vajikara means enhancer, breastfeeding, body hemorrhoids, and hemorrhoids, paralysis of air-mouth It turns into a mouth, gets tired.), Breathlessness, back pain and destruction of air. This is why we are there in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Urad is the force and airborne. Ayurveda is called Shudram in Ayurveda. Urad-Venus-Sperm Extends. Uday Purushantan quickly increases. The main component of semen is protein. All pulses contain protein, but there is a good type of protein in the urad. This is why the urad intake is well-poisoned. Those who do not have children due to sperm defects in semen, they should use urad and adrian crop. For those who have sex problems, there is a lack of excitement for the udder of good medicine. If such a problem has been made, then for longer periods of urad dal, urad made of sesame oil and cardamom should be eaten regularly.

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Twenty one
The beginning of the date is considered to be hot, sharp, agglutinative, greasy, gonorrhea, pancreatic, cinnamon, cough, womb, vomiting, thirst, worm, mesa, salakham, asisar and all diseases. It is best as the Ativish Omnodhshahar, Deepene-Pachaniya and collector medicine. The disease in which the gastric blight of the disease, the digestion of food, and the formation of fertility, and the fury of the fiercely airy, paternal blame is necessary in the past. Apart from this, the overwhelmingly well-known Chostla also has a trail-throwing trait. There are three types of blacksmiths, blacksmiths and blacksmiths. But it is used only in the medicine. Use it only by bringing the bud a bit white from inside. Atiash is a good medicine of asi-tree. In any type of pond, there is a need for deepon, digestion and storage medicines. At present, these three qualities are and they are also addictive. Therefore, in the evening, boil 5-5 grams of chickpea and 1/2 clove of both the knit and the dill of boiling water. When half a water is burnt, cool it down and add lemon juice or pomegranate juice. Due to this it is digested, gastrointestinal blossom and thin diarrhea stops. This can be cured in any kind of thin shrub. Ativishi Deepan, digestion and storage. So that's the best medicine of the tree. This treatment is beneficial in the bloodstream and pittantasar soya zest. It is also said on the twenty-third. The name is not as poisonous as it is. It is the children's medicine. It is an excellent medicine for those who have raw, gummy, or thin diarrhea. The past is also excellent amoeba. It also destroys fever, stomach worms and coughs due to the bitterness. Around half a teaspoon of the children of the same age is half a teaspoon, but only a small child should be given only weariness. It is a Nirdosh medication like breastfeeding.


500 gm of fresh jambo juice and take interest. Finding the finely squeezed sixth of the cloth with the cloth. Jambudva is prepared by keeping it strong for a week after keeping it strong for a week. Drinking three times in 50-60 grams of jambudo is very important.
Barley boils in a small amount of water; This water of barley is called barley water. It drops past the drinking.
Eating 20 grams of purple bark gives honey to drink.
Purple leaves of 10 grams of purple leaves get 3 grams of honey and drink it three times in a day.
Pomegranate fruit bark 50 grams, laving finely 7.5 grams and 500 ml. When the water lid is covered in 15 minutes, after cooling down, drink three times as much as 25 to 50 grams of sugar a day, new eyes and new pains are removed.
Bread Dry Pan With Acacia Take a look at it.
Bread germination of the balsam spray is done by dissolving mung extract.
Bordi's peel gets cooked by drinking honey in the goat's milk and consuming it.
Eating a sour safflower leads to sudden and painful death.
It is best to serve bananas as a food when there is a tendency to eat food.
It is very difficult to get rid of dry and fenugreek seeds in the dough.


Pucca pineapple, vitamins and brinjal. It cures heat, stomach diseases, spinal cord, jaundice, vitiligo etc. Pineapple and pestilence are dangerous for pregnant and undergrowth. Add powdered pineapple juice and add water to it and drink it. Drink water and drink it, it gives strength to the heart and heat, irritation becomes calm. Pineapple is sweet sauces and enzymes. Diet is easily digested by drinking pineapple juice after eating heavy food. There is a good amount of vitamin c in it. Therefore, it is good in the disease called scurvy and pyorrhea. Diet is good for drinking onion juice daily. Pineapple is sugar and protein, and it is good to digest protein.


Shredding in a truncheon cloves, getting a honey and lining in the evening makes a good sleep. Experiment Continues After a few days, Anadyra goes out.
Eating with onions is a good sleep by eating onion salad with dinner.
Poison's vegetable vines are called. Their paan bhujiyas are made. It grows in a farm or grove. 1 teaspoon juice of 1 cup of pies leaves a good sleep after taking an hour before bed with milk.
Boil the big brown pumpkin, remove the seeds and the lower part of the inside, boil them in a bowl of two rupees. If it is soft, put it in the cloth. Put the boiled water into a double syrup syrup. Saffron and cardamom can be poured as desired. This marmalade causes anidra.
Walking slowly after walking 1/2 kilometer long before sleeping and walking slowly. Come and drink half a glass of soda and get sleepy.
Taking excessive amount of pumpkin comes clean and nadra comes.
Drinking coconut like sauce with pc, water, sugar, salt and sugar, make a drink and drink nadranias.
Drinking an apple every night and drinking one glass of milk till at least fifteen days helps eliminate the problem of acne.
Take 1 teaspoon pure water of pure water and mix it in a water and take it at night to get rid of acne. The extraction of the fodder is as good as pure and pure.
Acidity is the result of drinking buffalo's whole blood and drinking it.
Add a little milk to the tiny shoots of the castor and put it on the head (on the head) and with the ear, it comes to sleep comfortably.
Drinking a hot gram with a granite griddle and drinking hot milk above is a good sleep. Anastasia is so small that even an hour before sleeping with a few rounds, eating too much tea, Anandra dies within a few days.
Taking a fourth part of the nutmeg with a little water brings good sleep.
Garnish ghee at the bottom of the foot for sleeping.
200 grams of granules for sleeping, 200 ml Drinking while boiling in milk
Heat and drink nipple, papery root and sugar in milk for sleep.
Take 2 to 3 grams of poppy seeds for sleeping with sugar and honey or with sugar and ghee.
Sleeping with 2 grams of gram flour is enough to eat with a round ghee.
Walking through the mile in the evening sleeps.
Uradusa freshly boiled or boiled almonds in milk makes a good sleep by drinking the evening before bedtime.
Drinking a bundle or a hole in a hot milk of buffalo gives good sleep.
Drinking a delicious chef of kampha every night brings a great sleep. Banphosa is a kind of dark green grass.
A few hours before bedtime, drinking 8-10 drops of almond oil slowly in warm milk gives a good sleep. On the other hand, the next day is also good stimulation in the body.
While sleeping at night, take a spoon of warm milk and add half a teaspoon of turmeric and drink it.
At the bottom of the foot, sleeping is done by caring a ghee or a wall.
The reason for not sleeping is the fury of gas. Because the awning has a property to destroy the air, it is better to drink as much sugar as a teaspoon of ashvandha and drink it in milk.
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If you do not sleep and have to sleep every day, then grateful of nutmeg flour, equal to two grams of gram flour, one gram of paprika, three to four grams of astrom, four grams of gram flour, and two rounds of serpents, and two rounds of serpents, ghee or honey at night. Licking and drinking a glass of sugar on top of the buffalo's milk will suffocate. (27) Aesthetic and grapefruit drink four to four teaspoons per night and after drinking it after a meal, good sleep.

Abhayadhi Quath

There is no fear of any harm or side effects due to the use of Harde and hence it is called as Abhaya. Harad with Nagaramoth, Coriander, Ratajali, Padmakasta, Aradusa, Indraja, Thaad, Throat, Hail Globes, Kalipat, Nipha, and Kadu with the same weight, whisk together the cold water. Two tablespoons roasted in two glasses of water, as long as one glass remains remaining, get a little bit of boiled peeper fresh and fruity again and after drinking it causes diarrhea, cough, asthma, lethargy, lethargy, fever and other problems. It is a good medicine to make the flyer, food digestive and cleavage clear.


Abhaya means some other herbs are made with a Hariad and it is called as a fluid. Get ready in the market. Four to five tablespoons of water in the sanctuary, before drinking it after drinking or after a meal, constipation, air-borne, stomach diseases, nausea, vomiting and fire extinguishes. The hemorrhoids are considered as acidic drugs. It can be used according to the advice of veterinary physician.


Make every thirty or ten grams of sugarcane, acidity, sugarcane, sugarcane, pepper, octopus, lindipipers and hurdies, and take it as an integral part of the green tea. Then roast it until it gets dry. It is also called intactradaradi also. By taking one teaspoon of this half-a-half-a-day every morning and evening, it is very beneficial in the form of anorexia, anorexia, cough, throat disease, asthma, cold-blooded, fungus, sunnyepat, etc.

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