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Sunday, June 30, 2019

what is the cause of diabetes? how to identify it? what is the symptoms of it?

what is the cause of diabetes? how to identify it? what is the symptoms of diabetes?

  • what is the cause of diabetes?
  • how to identify it?
  •  what is the symptoms of it

What is the cause of diabetes in childhood?

Genital nature of the person (HLA type):
Virus Infection:

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Though the exact reason for the introduction of diabetes still can not be found by scientists till date, some facts related to the cause of diabetes can be traced. One fact is that all scientists accept that early childhood diabetes ali type-1 (insulin-based) and adult diabetes alias type-2 (insulin-based) diabetes are due to quite a number of reasons which have been discussed in different sections. To say very briefly about the causes of type-1 (insulin-based) diabetes in childhood, it can be said that the cause of type 1 diabetes is an error in the body's immune system, which results in insulin-producing cells (beta cells) on the immune system of immune system (immune) Soldiers (white) raid and gradually all the beta cells are destroyed! But no, the talk is not straightforward and there is no suit. Why do some people make such a mistake in the immune system? Why is diabetes in high-density babies found in diabetes? Can any environment factor contribute to diabetes? Etc. Many questions have been made for years. Finding answers to these questions can only give a partial answer to the question, however, it is necessary to mention each important factor.
Hereditary: Childhood diabetes is run in the family. A person with diabetes will be diagnosed with diabetes every 20 person out of close relatives. If one of the twins is diagnosed with diabetes, the other child is more likely to have diabetes than 50 percent. The chances of diabetics from different diabetes patients are as follows: - (1) Five percent of the patient's sister or the parents; (Ii) children of father who have diabetes, six percent; (3) If the mother and father both have diabetes, then 30 percent of the children; (4) The person who has diabetes with the person's brother or sister, is likely to have diabetes of thirty percent. Genital nature of the person (HLA type): Everyone is different from some other person in particular. Each individual cell has its own unique identity. The identity of all cells of a person is different from all other cells of another person. Scientists have studied the identification of these cells and found certain types of proteins responsible for this that are known as HLA. Depending on the protein, the body's immune system can recognize the distinction between the cells of the cells and the alien cells. We have seen further that the mistake of not recognizing the immune system of the immune system in diabetes due to childhood is responsible for it. The person who has certain types of HLA proteins (eg HLA DQB1 - 0302/0201)), this error of the immune system is much higher.
Virus infection: Despite having a similar heritage or similar HLA type, why does one diabetic become one and others do not? Scientists searching for the solution of this question found that sudden increase in childhood diabetes patients after spreading the infection of certain types of viruses. According to a Swedish study, after a gallop surgeon and a study by Britten, the incidence of diabetes increases after the infection of the cosexy virus. According to the current theory, due to the virus infection, there are some changes in the cells of the pancreas in the pancreas or in the immune system cells, so that the immune system attacks directly on the beta cells, which results in insulin production decreases and diabetes occurs. Apart from this, any other external factors (medicine, food, etc.) may also be responsible for starting diabetes, research is ongoing. It is not possible to tell if some people will get diabetes even after doing so much research. Only statistical probabilities are known about this.
According to the current theory, the child receiving a genetic trace in a heritage by infecting a virus causes the immune system to mistakenly attack insulin-producing cells instead of the virus, which results in insulin production decreases and diabetes occurs.

How to Identify Diabetes?

Childhood Diabetes Symptoms:
Symptoms of Adult Diabetes:
Symptoms appearing in early patients of adult diabetes

Identifying diabetes is not easy. Many people know that they have diabetes after many years of diabetes. Symptoms and complications of diabetes vary depending on its type. Insulin-based (type-1) diabetes appears in childhood (at the age of ten-fifteen) and is known as soon as possible. When insulin is indeterminate (type-2) diabetes mature (at the age of forty) and is known later. These two types of diabetes are described differently for the sake of simplicity, but there may be many exceptions.
Childhood Diabetes Symptoms: The purpose of getting a simple understanding of the symptoms is to change the name of a patient here: 12 year old was drying on day by day. Buckim, who has always been in the forefront of sports, did not like playing for the last two months. Tired of running a little bit. At school, I did not think I had a chit. Frequently, the current class had to take leave for anew. No one ever understood why the student who did not leave the class in the current class suddenly got spoiled. He started calling behind other students in the class, so he called the banker's mummy and said that your child does not pay attention to learning, often asking for a holiday for the euphemism. . . Etc.
These hear more or more worries about mummies. Mummy also watched that repeatedly walking to urinate in the night repeatedly. Mummy does not drink vegetables or more water every day. But Bunkim could not feel thirsty or drink water. Most surprised if his mummy felt that the food of the bikimim had increased earlier than it was! Though he was hungry and hungry every day, he lost his weight instead of growing.
When one day suddenly a severe fever came to Bunkemin and at the same time, the mummy became loath and took the doctor to the doctor. The doctor heard everything. His eyes widened when he saw the urine and blood reports of Bukimim. There was so much sugar (glucose) in the blood and urine of the bacınim that Bunky was immediately admitted to the hospital and had to undergo insulin injections. Bankim was diagnosed with insulin-based diabetes.
Like many people, many people get such diabetes. The main features of which are excessive urination, more hunger and thirst and fatigue. In some people, these symptoms appear gradually in the increasing number of years. Some other people appear to have symptoms in two to four months. One of the main causes of these symptoms is the appearance of glucose in the blood. In the absence of insulin, blood glucose in the blood can not go to the cell. Due to which cells die hungry, the body becomes dry and dry. Excessive glucose is found in the urine for kidneys, which also removes the body's water to extract the body so that it feels very thirsty. Childhood diabetics are often diagnosed early in the process, with the fatal complication known as ketosidosis, as in many cases, such as bunnym. Discussion about this compilation is discussed on page no. 23. Diabetes is diagnosed after some illness or surgery, keeping this compilation in mind. Symptoms of Adult Diabetes: The purpose of getting a simple understanding of the symptoms is to change the name of a patient here: Mumbai resident Mangalben was happy with eating habits. Bungalow-car-servant-chef all present In the morning, after getting up in the morning, eating breakfast and eating breakfast, sit comfortably in the sofa and hit the phone. Kitty Party, reception birthday party does not know exactly when the time goes out. At the age of 30, we weighed about fifty kilograms, now it was at fifty years of age to reach fifty five kilos.
Last month, going to sit in the car, there was a slight slip in the foot and a little bit of a piece was broken. I did not pay any attention to it. But when it did not take place in a week, the family doctor took a wound from the wound. Even when he was not able to heal, a doctor asked him to take a blood-urine test. Doctors suspected of seeing test report - Mangalben had diabetes! The doctor explained to Mangalben how long you have diabetes, it is difficult to say. Thank you so much for the role that you have been diagnosed with diabetes, otherwise it would have been two to four years away and you could have been diagnosed with diabetes only after heavy damage to the eye or the nervous system.
Just like Mangalben, Diabetes Diagnosis is rarely diagnosed in many adult diabetics. In some patients, routine laboratory can be detected suddenly when diagnosed with diabetes, and in some other patients, the symptoms of diabetes include excessive thirst, loss of appetite, fatigue and excessive urination and diarrhea etc. Diagnosis is a sign of diabetes. In front of this, some patients become aware of diabetes when only long-term compliance of diabetes occurs. Not wound up; Frequent infections in skin and pelvis (especially fungal effects); Frequent or permanent excretion of some parts of the hand and feet, tingling or irritating; Feeling tired; There are some frequent symptoms of blindness in blindness or dimming. All of these symptoms can be due to many other reasons other than diabetes. Therefore, it is not possible to tell if a person has diabetes only on the basis of symptoms. Diabetes can be accurately diagnosed by proper laboratory examination.

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Symptoms appearing in early patients of adult diabetes

Wound up
Feeling tired
Frequent urination
Infections in urine
Feeling frequent infections in the skin, ear, and vagina (especially fagus infections)
Emptiness, tingling or burning
Blindness or dimming in the eye
Stomach up after eating

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