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Monday, July 1, 2019

Tips for Keeping Your Brain Active and Healthy, how food affect our mind?

Tips for Keeping Your Brain Active and Healthy, how food affect our mind?

  • 9 Tips for Keeping Your Brain Active and Healthy
  • How Food Affects Our Mood - 3 Tips
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Tips for Keeping Your Brain Active and Healthy

You may have noticed that many people over the age of 70 have problems with memory and other brain functions, right? Although not all elderly people have to face the problems of memory, they do not happen with many people, not many times.

Maybe we would have seen our own parents or grandparents, locking doors, turning towards stove, etc., which they had never forgotten a few years ago!

Therefore, these incidents can be concerned about our own brain functions, because we start by age. Because no one of us should remove our memory, learning skills and cognitive functions, even with age. In older people, brain function starts to deteriorate because brain cells get older. If we maintain a healthy lifestyle, the degenerative process of the brain slows down and our brain functions remain active for a long time. So, if you want your brain to be young and active, even after your age, follow these tips!

1. Develop a Hobby. What hobby you love, which is creative, such as painting, singing, dancing, etc. can help keep your brain cells active for a long time, what research studies say. When we are a hobby, we work hard to develop our skills in that particular field and this process can keep our brain active and intense for a long time. So, having a hobby to keep your hosbani's cells healthy is fun!

2. Do brain exercises Now, we know that exercise, such as exercise, gym, walking, etc., can keep us fit and healthy. Likewise, there is a specific exercise for the brain, which can help keep your brain active and sharp, despite your age. Solving puzzles, Sudoku, memory games, crosswords, chess and other such brain-stimulating activities can help prevent brain dehydration on a regular basis.

3. Healthy Law Most of us already know that the most important habit of adhering to healthy, balanced eating on a daily basis is if you usually want to stay healthy. Healthy diet can prevent diseases and treat! Therefore, even when it comes to brain activity, cells of the brain taking nutritious, healthy food are nourished and active for a long time.

4. Load on Omega-3 fatty acids Similarly, the rest of our body needs different nutrients to stay healthy and healthy, especially, to stay healthy and active, the brain needs nutrients, especially omega-3 fatty acids. Is there! Food, such as fish, ghee, coconut, avocado, etc. are all natural sources of omega-3 fatty acids, it is no longer the ideal way to maintain your brain's health.

5. Extra Avoidance of Multitasking In general, multitasking is considered a great skill that proves your brain's strength; However, many research studies have proved that jobs or activities that require multitasks and focus on a variety of things together, can make the front lobe weaken on a regular basis. When the brain has an effect on the lobe, it leads to the premature state of the brain cells, because it lessens your age.

6. Stay More Social Many of us regularly love social sharing with our friends and loved ones; However, there are other people who should not spend time alone and socialize regularly. If you are in the latter category of people, it's time you start more socialism because going out, new experience, laughing and talking to people, etc. can help keep your brain cells active for a long time.

7. Engage in Family Work Generally, these days, many people with a busy schedule hire housework and cooks to do homework homes for them. However, studies prove that washing dishes, cooking, cleaning, etc., such as regular household work, is one of the best ways to keep your brain cells active for a long and long time.

8. Your Cholesterol Lower As we already know, high cholesterol levels in the body can lead to adverse health effects, including major diseases such as heart diseases, which can ultimately attack heart! However, we do not know the fact that higher cholesterol levels in the body can cause premature decadence of the brain cells. So, keep your brain healthy and active, maintain healthy cholesterol levels, even your age.

9. Stay away from observations Many people are smoking in cigarettes and drinking habits on a regular basis, and they can already know the bad effects of these vulnerabilities on their health. However, these habits can be difficult to provide. The fact that, with many other diseases, smoking and drinking on a regular basis can also lead to early degradation of brain cells and cause diseases such as alzheimer's. So, stay away from these vices, if you want a healthy brain even in old age.
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How Food Affects Our Mood - 3 Tips

Diet is the ability to affect your mood.

Diet does not affect your body only, but research has shown that dietary impacts more than that. Diet is the ability to affect your mood. You may have noticed that when you eat any sweets or sweets like sweet, you also get energy intensity in the body, energy will be reduced soon. BP increases and decreases from sugar show the effect of food on the body. Let's talk about how your food affects your mood today. Research shows that change in diet can lead to a change in our brain structure (chemical and physiological), which leads to changing behavior.

Eating plays a very important role in influencing our moods

Have you eaten properly? Have you ever noticed that special eating and eating habits can help you feel more happy and more energy? Research says that food especially plays a significant role in influencing our moods. Example: Have you ever noticed that after eating rice, you feel sleepy, so that's why we should not eat rice when doing important work or mental work. We are asked to eat a very healthy and healthy breakfast as it seems to be a snack we feel.

1) Never save food.

Never miss a meal for a little more sleep. Many people wake up 5 or 10 minutes late and get out of the door without having their breakfast. I know that a little more sleep seems appealing to the breakfast, but going out for work without breakfast can be a bad idea. Avoiding food really makes your body less capable of mixing food, and you are responsible for having excessive meals in the next meal. If you stay away from excessive eating and eat only a measure, you may be able to avoid a bad mood. .

2) Take note of your diet.

Learn what to eat and what to eat or what to eat in the limit. You should know which diet should be avoided or listed in your shopping list. Example: Carbohydrates are also responsible for changing the mood like sugar. Daily foods such as candy and soda, as well as packet fruit juice, syrup and jam, diabetes It can be caused to move up and down like a rollercoaster. Research shows that junk food can satisfy our taste but It will play a very crucial role in our body and mood. So avoid junk food and sugar items. Regularly do not consume it.

3) Take regular diet.

Try to take your food and snacks at regular times every day. Eating at a regular time keeps your diabetes levels stable. If you keep eating at regular intervals then your body gets constant fuel and it helps you to keep your mood stable.

It is better to contact a doctor or dietician for what you should eat and how much you should eat, because there may be people who eat more and also people who are asked to eat less. That's why doctor's advice and planning your diet are the best way to start your healthy and enthusiastic life.

Foods affect our mood and also play a great role in our energy level. So choose the right foods and keep a healthy and enthusiastic lifestyle.

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