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Wednesday, July 3, 2019

what step should be follow in our day to day life for healthy lifestyle ?

what step should be follow in our day to day life for healthy lifestyle ? 

  • Health tips for you happy healthy life style 
  • Health tips use in our day to day life

life is important but if your life is not healthy then? what to do? should must follow simple step in you day to day life and make your life healthy. 

Health tips for you happy healthy life style 

1. Drink plenty of water
2. Stop drinking soft drinks.
3. Milk is better than sugar-containing juices.
4. Avoid eating while standing.
6- Increased intake of proteins cause the feeling of satiety without increasing weight.
8 - trying to satiate the desire for sugars to eat fruit.
10. Replace baked white flour made with whole wheat grain flour
11. Dark chocolate is more healthy.
12. Greek yogurt is better than traditional yogurt.
13-salted nuts unhealthy, nuts without salt very healthy.
14. Olive oil is better than vegetable oil.
15 - Coconut oil is better than butter.
16 - Reduce the consumption of sweets
17 - Fiber regulates the level of sugar in the blood and regulates the movement of the bowel.
18 - Try to sleep early.
19 - Try to reduce the number of hours watching TV.
20. Eat plenty of foods that contain antioxidants.
21. Always keep breakfast.
22. Replace white rice with brown rice.
24. Eat plenty of natural herbs.
26 - Regular exercise.
27. Do not eat before bedtime.
28. Eat slowly
29. Avoid tension.
30 - Visit the doctor at periodic intervals for general detection.
and for many it is associated only with prohibitions. In fact, a healthy lifestyle does not involve victims, but on the contrary - it turns into acquired years of life and well-being.

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healthy lifestyle

Eat only high-quality food and try not to save on food. Food is the basis of a healthy and long life.

Walk whenever possible. Only through active movement, your body “accumulates” less fat.

In restaurants, refuse dishes that cause you to doubt. Poisoning, or even indigestion, undermines the body

If you have a sedentary job, spend at least three minutes on “warming up” during each hour - stretch, stretch your legs, feet, make body turns, lift and lower shoulders. All this can be done without getting up from the chair.

Give up smoking. Not only will it help you save money - a life without cigarettes will save you from a lot of harmful substances, of which nicotine is far from the most dangerous.
If you have a sedentary job, spend at least three minutes on “warming up” during each hour - stretch, stretch your legs, feet, make body turns, lift and lower shoulders. All this can be done without getting up from the chair.

Give up smoking. Not only will it help you save money - a life without cigarettes will save you from a lot of harmful substances, of which nicotine is far from the most dangerous.

If you are angry - do it openly, do not save in yourself. Anger, which has found a way out, is much better for health than restrained internal discontent.

Do not slouch, sit and walk with your back straight, your neck too straight.
Try to drink as much water as possible.
When cooking as little as possible fry the products, better - cook, simmer or cook for a couple.

Give up everything that contains carcinogens - mainly smoked foods and food fried in fat, protein products after high-temperature processing, canned, pickled and salted foods, products with sodium nitrite. Experts estimate that 50 g of smoked sausage may contain the same amount of carcinogens as smoke from a pack of cigarettes. A can of sprat is equivalent to 60 packs of cigarettes.
Sleep at least 8 hours a day, while it is important that sleep is regular, you need to go to bed at the same time. It is a dream that helps to restore physical strength, restore clarity to the head, improve memory and attention, get a good mood, improve immunity.
Throw a sad mood by any means, because pessimism is a veiled form of chronic depression, which is responsible for the emergence of many diseases.

Health tips use in our day to day life

Do not lift weights - because of this, pressure on intervertebral discs and spinal joints increases dramatically. Even with a healthy back, it is not recommended to lift more than 15 kilograms at a time.

Exercise, because 150 minutes of fitness per week will prolong youth for 5 years. What kind of physical activity to choose - you decide, the main thing - regularity. Dancing, yoga, Pilates, walking are suitable for health. Only with strength exercises, running and contact sports should be careful - firstly, they are traumatic, and secondly, it is better to do them under the supervision of an instructor.

Do not sit at home - actively meet with friends, go to theaters, cinemas and museums. A life full of positive emotions can compensate a lot.

Woman Doing Yoga on Round Purple Yoga Mat, healthy lifestyle article, healthy lifestyle facts, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, 10 tips for a healthy lifestyle, how to live a healthy lifestyle essay, healthy lifestyle for kids, healthy lifestyle Wikipedia, healthy lifestyle benefits,
fitness work 
Sooner or later, each person once begins to think about the state of their own health. Given the rapid rhythm of our life, ecology, a variety of unhealthy foods and many other factors that negatively affect health, modern people need to pay more attention to this issue. The sooner you start thinking about it, the better it will be for you. This article contains useful health tips. They are very simple and easy to do, but their value is invaluable. By adopting the following recommendations, you can easily and effortlessly improve your health and prolong your life. • Try to give preference to healthy foods. It is necessary to limit consumption, or even completely eliminate questionable and harmful products from the diet. If you want to stay healthy and energetic, you will have to say goodbye to fast food. Try to drink every day at least one and a half liters of mineral water without gas (spring water will be an ideal option). Remember that you can not boil water more than once. Indeed, under the influence of temperature, water loses its useful properties. As a result of drinking water boiled several times, it is possible to significantly harm your own body. Also remember that water drives the metabolic process.

• Do not deprive yourself of sleep. Sleep is the time that the body uses for itself: it is gaining energy, new cells are being built, etc. Healthy sleep is a dream that lasts at least eight hours. During this time, the body will recover from daily loads. Before bed, it is recommended to drink weak tea and take short walks in the fresh air.

 • Try to spend more time outdoors. To improve the circulatory system, the body requires as much oxygen as possible. Take a walk, go to places with lots of vegetation.

• New impressions. Travel - as far as possible, as much as time and finances allow you. And if there is neither one nor the other at all, just watch beautiful videos that are sure to be a great motivator for you.

• Once and for all get rid of bad habits. It's no secret how harmful nicotine and alcohol affect the human body. Want to be healthy - drop this bad job. No other way

. • Join the sport. The most common exercise in the morning time of the day will bring your body to tone. Start running in the morning. You should not run long distances from the very beginning, start small, based on your own capabilities. Gradually, the distance can be increased.

 • Do not listen at full volume and music and TV. Sound waves have a powerful effect on the human body. The result of this effect may be hearing impairment, up to its complete loss.

 • Try to avoid stressful situations. Protect your nervous system. Get rid of fears, fight them. It has been proven that fear can trigger serious mental disorders.

 • Develop coordination, memory, logical thinking, as well as work on consciousness. A healthy head is as important as a healthy heart. To improve memory, reading will be an ideal option - read interesting books, learn poems

• Be attentive to your posture, do not allow the spinal curvature. Such a disease can have extremely serious consequences.

 • Harden. In your power to strengthen the immune system. To do this, just take the first step and regularly repeat a certain action. Hardening is a great way to improve your health. Starting with too low a temperature is not recommended, the degree should be lowered gradually. Health to you and your loved ones!

Take baths - they are very useful both for the body and for the soul. Hot water will help to relax, relax, refresh the skin, and some types of home baths will help to lose weight.
Kiss and hug as often as possible. Psychologists advise embracing your soul mate or just someone close to you or a pleasant person at least eight times a day.
Red Apple Fruit on Surface,healthy lifestyle article, healthy lifestyle facts, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, 10 tips for a healthy lifestyle, how to live a healthy lifestyle essay, healthy lifestyle for kids, healthy lifestyle Wikipedia, healthy lifestyle benefits,
Never skip breakfast, this is one of the most important meals of the day. Men who often skip breakfast have a 27% higher chance of getting a heart attack or dying from coronary heart disease (CHD)!
Go swimming - it will help strengthen the immune system, temper the body, develop strength and endurance, harmoniously develop the muscles of the whole body, improve the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, prevent diseases of the spine and joints. Well, lose weight, finally.
Sleep on orthopedic mattresses and pillows, and be conscious of the organization of the bed. Very important
Experimenting with cosmetics, be careful - you need to choose a cream for the face, eyes and hands carefully and very individually. Focus on your skin type and its properties.
Try not to swear to anyone, but if the quarrel has already begun, find out the relationship calmly and constructively, so that the conflict would be resolved, and not aggravated. For any, even the most turbulent showdown of relationships, you need not lose your head and keep control over yourself.
Eat honey - it is very useful, it contains hundreds of the most valuable substances for the body: glucose, fructose, sucrose, macro-and microelements, proteins, amino acids and others. In order for all of them to work in full force, honey must meet a number of conditions, the most important of which is naturalness.
Do not tolerate - you absolutely can not tolerate hunger, pain, cold and thirst, because these are all the signals of the body, some of them can be easily understood, that is, just eat or drink, and some will have to be deciphered by specialists, and - treated.
Find a favorite job or favorite thing. remember, that
Everyone wants to be healthy, but not everyone adheres to the rules that would contribute to this. The cause of many health problems often lies not in the environment, but in the habits and way of life of people.

Playing sports once a week and rare refusals from evening meals will not solve the problem of being overweight
To burn calories, you need to systematically devote time to physical activity and not to eat a few hours before bedtime.

If you feel unwell, contact the doctors, and do not look for an answer on the forums and similar sources. Doubtful people may find terrible symptoms in themselves, not to mention the most unbelievable ways of treating them, who are walking around the net. Even if there are no health problems, it is advisable to conduct a medical examination once a year.
Do not save money on diet

Healthy foods can be expensive at times. But remember that proper and balanced nutrition is one of the guarantees of good health and longevity. In addition, a good diet improves the shape, slows down the aging process, a positive effect on the skin, hair and nails. Eat whole grain cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice), fish, vegetables, fruits, seeds (sesame, chia), nuts, bran, and unrefined oils (olive,

Lack of sleep affects health and well-being.
Going to bed after midnight and getting up at 7 am is permissible only in rare cases, but not every day.
From smoking, wrinkles appear faster and aging processes develop.
The desire to keep a young and fresh look is not only a woman's whim, men also want to stay young as long as possible. But smoking is detrimental to not only the internal organs, but also the appearance. Therefore, smokers do not look younger than their age.

Sunbathing need to measure
Many people love a bronze tan, and to some it really does. However, it accelerates skin photoaging and the appearance of wrinkles. Sunbathing should be moderate and with the use of protective creams.
Physical activity improves the body and psychologically relieves
Stop looking out of the window at the people doing the run, become one of them, and soon notice the favorable changes.

Not only a sedentary lifestyle, but also excessive physical activity is dangerous.
Sports activities and level of load should correspond to your training, stamina and wishes.
Alcohol use increases the risk of obesity.
Alcohol harms not only because of the calorie content, but also because it is difficult for a drunk person to keep himself under control - he will not miss the opportunity to enjoy a burger, pizza or a delicious steak.

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