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Saturday, June 29, 2019

Things you can do to save environment of save earth.

Things you can do to save environment of save earth.

What should I be aware of in order to protect the global environment?
1. Do not wash garbage in the river or valley,
2. Let's protect the water source
3. Don't burn trash, don't burn forest
4. Reduce, reuse, recycle and fill
5. Let's protect our forest
6. Ecosystem conservation
7. Reforestation: Plant one tree, plant one hundred trees!
8. Let's support the development that really benefits us
9. Learn more about our environment
10. Finally, to the group that is trying to preserve this small amount of incomparable natural

What should I be aware of in order to protect the global environment?

All electricity is natural energy such as solar power generation and wind power generation, automobiles are electric vehicles that do not emit exhaust gas, only pesticides and detergents are safe, and 100% recycling of garbage. It keeps on. But it has not been fully realized yet. For now, each person's intention is important. its for all to save earth

For example, keep in mind the following and let's do a little bit more.
Energy saving is important to reduce carbon dioxide that causes global warming. For heating, let's set the air conditioner temperature to 28 ° C.
Use your feet and bicycle instead of riding in a car.
Let's turn off the light frequently. Let's turn off the TV that you have not watched.
Separate the waste properly, and recycle empty cans, bottles, newspaper and plastic bottles.
Don't throw away the leftovers and oil to the river and the sea so as not to drain it.
When buying a product, check the eco-label and select an eco-friendly product.

Earth Day this Things You Can Do

some things you can do to save environment and our planet.

It has been clear for decades that it is human beings that are damaging our Mother Earth's environment, and in particular that it has negatively affected the global environment through its harmful economic activities. .

For example, scientists have proven that excessive use of fuel (diesel, gasoline, etc.) is causing the temperature of our planet to rise, coupled with forest destruction and fires. Global warming is already enough to cause climate change. And not only does it damage ecosystems, it also causes serious economic damage, and it happens to the situation where human lives are lost. Millions of people around the world are being harmed every day by the pursuit of profits through air and water pollution and the use of pesticides in agricultural production.

In order to resolve these and other environmental issues, Earth Day is considered April 22 in almost every country in the world.

This day is one with hundreds of millions of people all over the world, looking at our dear ones and the end of this rich planet, as part of this one and only planet, what It is a day to think deeply about what you can do.
Eye of the Storm Image from Outer Space,save earth
save earth

Furthermore, you should be able to start awareness and environmental conservation from within your home. As an intag man / woman (and as an adult / child) share ideas with the family to protect this amazing and unparalleled environment of the Intag district and our Mother Earth Let's have it.


Water is not just a resource but very important for health and life. Therefore, we must protect the water by all means. From this, it is understood that the important thing is water and it is to take concrete actions. What can you do?

1. Do not wash garbage in the river or valley,

Rivers and valleys are not garbage dumps. On the contrary, rivers and valleys form a system of life called "ecosystem", which includes animals and plants. Thanks to them all, water can be kept beautiful. Discarding rubbish, washing kabuya, and polluting the river, that is, kills the original shape of the river and valley, and also lives of other people and animals living by relying on the water there. Would pollute the resources of

2. Let's protect the water source

No one should pollute, destroy, or use for economic activity or agricultural production where your or any other community is getting water. Also, last spring, the springs have dried up so that forests and plants can clean the water, but you should conserve the groundwater so that nothing like that happens. Our county's Ecosystem Conservation Ordinance encourages communities to conserve their water resources. The ordinance allows, for example, the forced acquisition of land if the water source is used for bad purpose or soiled. Take your time to study the Ecosystem Protection Ordinance.
"The right to get clean water is a fundamental right that no one can violate."

3. Don't burn trash, don't burn forest

Over the past year, hundreds of hectares of land were destroyed in the Intag region due to the fire, and the air we breathed was polluted. What's more, the lives of many people were at risk, and the homes of thousands of animals were unfairly destroyed (animals have the right to live as well). Deforestation and the continuing fire have really left many communities out of water.

We cannot do this again. Starting in the summer of 2002, the Kotakachi county's environmental protection authorities, with the support of the church parish, the police authorities and the Ministry of the Environment, strengthened the implementation of all the provisions of our county's Ecosystem Protection Ordinance. It has been decided. And if you burn trash, forests, and any natural plants, you will be subject to the full penalty provisions of the law. If you burn your land for farming-this is a practice that does a great deal of harm to your fields and the richness of your environment-if you don't extinguish it well so that the fire doesn't spread out of your farmland It will not be. If you set fire in a field other than your own field, you will be required to restore the affected land from a fine of between $ 200 and $ 2000. You may not have to go to jail.

The best alternative to damaging the health of thousands of Intags by filling the air with toxic substances and damaging the richness of the land is to rot the waste in its place. Then the waste will be nourished for the land.

 4. Reduce, reuse, recycle and fill

Garbage that cannot be composted and cannot be recycled by any means must be buried far away from the valley or water source. Keep in mind that the smoke from burning plastic is very harmful. Furthermore, it would be better if you intentionally reduced the purchase of such products. Reuse and recycle glass, paper, and cardboard. Do not buy goods in containers that are not returnable. Remember that it takes hundreds of years (or even 600 years) for the natural world to break down the plastic and save earth

Healthy agriculture

Intag actually has various groups promoting something called "organic farming" or "healthy farming". In other words, this is a method of agricultural production that takes into consideration the earth and the environment, and minimizes the use of pesticides (substances that harm health and the environment). Garbage, for example, is converted to compost in a very easy way and is used in this type of agriculture. Let's learn from the rest of our diet, from the leftovers from the stables of livestock and from manure, how to make a mulch with many organic compost and earthworms.

The most important point of this kind of agriculture is that it tells us that the earth is working wonderfully without making much of its richness. Please collect information on the groups that are active in Intag. Or, every weekend, visit Apera's DECOIN office.

5. Let's protect our forest

The forest in Intag district is recognized among experts as the forest with the highest biodiversity in the world. More plants and animals live in this forest than the majority of the forests in other parts of this planet. "Tropical Andes" and "Choco Region" These two living areas are considered to be particularly important places. I am responsible for the conservation of these areas and I swear that I will learn more about this area from here on.

In order to reliably bring rain and keep water and air clean and healthy, we need a mechanism to create rain and purify water and air. The forest is in charge of this role. The forest cools the atmosphere, attracts clouds and helps to make it rain. In addition, forests maintain a constant climate, preventing prolonged dry seasons and the occurrence of destructive floods.

From another point of view, the forest-rich organic matter plays the role of a huge sponge, absorbing rainwater, constantly incorporating vital resources for life, and slowly restoring the destroyed parts. It is Besides, the leaves of trees and other plants absorb carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and at the same time produce oxygen. This work not only regulates the climate but also cleans the air we breathe. For that reason, the forest is considered to be the "lung of the earth". The more the forest is burned down or cut down, the weaker the Earth's ability to prevent rising temperatures and ecological disasters. In our area, forests are also very important for agriculture and livestock. As our forests continue to burn and fell, summers will grow longer and agriculture will become increasingly important. On the other hand, the more we deforested and burned down, the greater our water supply would be.

Other benefits that our forests bring include: baskets, materials for crafts, materials, dyes, folk medicines, endless stocks such as food (Kayambas and native fruits), etc .; Forests are also homes of wild creatures, and our recreation area; well managed, the forest will also be the setting for eco-tours. And that can bring great income to the community.

Stop cutting Intag's virgin forest. Find another healthier, less destructive way to feed our homes.

6. Ecosystem conservation

By cooperating with your community or creating a parish-owned shared nature reserve, you can also help conserve our forests, biodiversity and community water resources. Contact DECOIN or Kotakachi County Environmental Protection Committee.

7. Reforestation: Plant one tree, plant one hundred trees!

Plant trees-and create a healthy and balanced environment. As much as natural. Even more desirable is to have the vow to plant 100 trees each year in your family. If there is no place to plant the trees, plant them on the land of the neighbors, on the school grounds, in the dioceses or in the water source of your community. Trees change the composition of the atmosphere, producing hundreds of liters of water a day. Besides, it purifies the air and feeds birds and animals. Besides that, we will provide us with firewood, dyes, medicines and timber when building a house. If you do not have a place to get trees or sow, contact your local organization or our office.

8. Let's support the development that really benefits us

One of the most important actions we can take is to benefit a handful of people and large companies, and to be truly beneficial to the community, not a development that harms our natural and social environment Support development projects. This means promoting sound economic activity, which includes the following: Agriculture and pastoral work conducted in an ethical manner, craft production using local natural materials, community ecotourism, production and export of primary products in areas where fair profits can be obtained, these industries It must be carried out in a way that does not pollute the air, destroy forests or land, or cause problems between our communities.

We need sound development for the natural environment, for our people, and for future generations.

Do not support mine development. Miners destroy the peace of our community, pollute our rivers, and destroy forests, even if they have miner jobs. It brings only "progress" for only a few years. If the money is exhausted or the mines are shut down, the company will have all the profits, and a split community, alcoholism, prostitution, rivers polluted with toxic substances will remain. Companies will go out of their ruins and carry away only their wealth.

9. Learn more about our environment

The most important thing you can do is to learn about the context of the Intag, Ecuador, and the world's natural environment, and what is threatening these natural environments. Will a future generation have a healthy, biodiversity-rich, productive environment or will continue to be drought, rivers have no life forms, water and air will be polluted with harmful substances, and agriculture will be carried out It remains in our hands to leave areas that do not benefit as well. Let's be a wise and respectful environmental activist with the right information, so that we can cooperate in environmental protection.

10. Finally, to the group that is trying to preserve this small amount of incomparable natural

 environment left for us. Let's do our best to keep our community healthy, our fields full of productive power, our river as crystal-like and our air clean. Create an Eco Club at your school or group. Support the parish environmental protection committee (if not, ask them to make one).

Or join DECOIN. DECOIN is an organization that has been active since 1995 to conserve our natural resources and to promote sound development. Also support the work of the Kotakachi County Environmental Management Committee.
The only thing that cannot be forgiven is to just do something with your arms folded. Come on, let's start something today for our region, our associates, and the beautiful planet Earth!

so save earth for our feature generation 

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